Introduce a Japanese design company here which is TO-GENKYO gropes.
The reason why I like Japanese design as some of them are not only focus on the visual impact and functional but clean and conceptual. The concepts about how to improve living. and the very young company : TO-GENKYO gropes is doing very good!
when the food is no longer edible, the food label makes a barcode non-scannable and non-purchasable with pattern.
A design of the process through production, transportation, distribution, usage and disposal of soap.the package can be used as a soap dish as well.
Japanese sake package target for the young generation.
Choosing different tone of blue to produce the memo paper design, aims to create the melting snow look.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
子彈橫飛 心如鹿撞
跟朋友討論讓子彈飛:"幹!!這部片拍得真好看!爽快,利落,細膩,幽默; 不過這活脫是一部同志電影,可以在同志電影節當開幕電影!"
當大陸網路上如雪片的評論和解讀,多為政治性的借古諷今,而且要多仔細有多仔細,多深層有多深層: 看到一些"諭意太深"的不其然問: 咁都諗到(指影評人)?於是身為巿井小巿民的我,就想著眼於"偏鋒娛樂"風花雪月一番。
周潤發演的黃四郎愛敷面模修甲,你可以說他富貴"滋陰"以增戲劇效果,只是他選自己的替身跟班服侍自己,而不用美女如花姐,自戀的成份當然有,加上種種"陰啲陰啲" ,他怎會不好男色?
而姜文跟葛優的情誼令我想起Almodovar的Talk to her...等等等等。
可能這些半玩笑的"基"點子及其他幽默元素是構成一點cam的幽默,而這些幽默感掌握得亦很好,例如六弟"壯烈"切腹後鏡頭一轉是他攪笑巨型"六"字手勢墓碑一場;節奏令我想起玲木清順,日本黑幫鎗戰時而緊湊時而輕鬆緩和。可記得Branded to Kill / 殺手烙印中的殺手主角每次出戰前都會捧著飯煲聞飯香?
都怪自己多疑,每次看到土匪,馬戰,城頭場景都會令我想起黑澤明的七俠四義和用心棒,而且正巧讓子戰飛中土匪亦有七兄弟,也死了四人(兩土匪兄弟,一師爺一夫人)... 越講越離題,快變成日本風情畫,還是收筆為妙。
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
long time no see! leaf shape pattern.
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