Tuesday, February 24, 2009

[Water] in 21_21

Such an amazing exhibition - [Water] (from Oct2007 to Jan2008) in [21_21] museum, Midtown Roppongi.

I didn't have chance to visit the exhibition at that time,
so I found the video/images of the art pieces from the "Taku Satoh Design Office Inc." website http://www.tsdo.jp/
And Taku Satoh (佐藤卓) is one of the artists who developed the artworks.

The series of [the water drops "running" on the paper plates] were so attracted me,
they "ran" like the rain, river, balls or tear, etc. on the different texture/pattern of the plates.
And they concerned about the children visitors as well,
so I realized that the art education in Japan is very well.

Feel sad that don't has this kind of Art/Design exhibition in Hong Kong...

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